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Surah Rahman Facts, it’s Spiritual and Healing Benefits

    The Virtues of Surah Rahman:

    Two beautiful names and attributes of Allah (S.W.T), i.e. Ar-Rahman & Ar-Raheem are mentioned in the first Chapter of the Holy Quran. Allah (S.W.T) introduces himself as “Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem”. Renowned scholars have mentioned in a number of books that Ar Rahman is “Ism-e-Azam”. Both these names are related but have subtle uniqueness to it. “Dr. Israr Ahmad, a renowned Islamic scholar of Pakistan, described Allah’s attribute “Ar-Rahman” as abundantly merciful. He further added that the mercy of Allah (S.W.T) is greater than the highest tides of sea..

    On the other hand, “Ar-Raheem” means constantly merciful. Allah (S.W.T) has been merciful to create us as Human, Allah has been merciful to appoint his Messengers & Prophets to guide us, He has been merciful to reveal the Quran, his ultimate message of guidance. He has been merciful to provide with food, clothing, lodging, and He is merciful to create and form relationships, like Parents, children, spouses and he has been merciful to instill love and affection in all those relations. But we cannot fathom the extent of Allah (S.W.T) mercy.

    Moreover, Allah (S.W.T) boasts about and takes pride in four (4) things at the start of this Chapter. 1. Ar Rahman which he calls himself as “abundantly merciful (compassionate)”. 2. Allamal Quran He has taught the Quran.3. Khalaqal Insa’an He created man. 4. Al’lama hul Baya’an He taught him Al-Bayan (an eloquent speech).

    Therefore, Surah Ar-Rahman encourages servants of Allah (S.W.T) to acknowledge his blessings, His mercy, His gifts and reminds us to be grateful for them. First let’s have a look at some facts about Surah Ar-Rahman.

    Facts of Surah Ar-Rahman:

    • Surah Rahman is the 55th Chapter of the Holy Quran and consists of 78 verses.
    • Surah Rahman is known for its beauty and eloquence and is remembered by heart by millions of Muslims around the world.
    • Surah Ar Rahman contains the Arabic phrase “Fabiayyi ala’I Rabbikuma Tukaziba’an” which translates to “which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?” and is repeated 31 times.
    • This Chapter has a soothing and spiritual effect on the heart and mind.
    • On several instances, Surah Rahman refers to the afterlife, and advises us to lead a righteous life in this world to get the rewards in the afterlife.
    • This Chapter also warns against arrogance, disbelief in Allah (S.W.T).
    • It also describes the beauty and nature of the Lord’s creations.
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    Benefits of reciting Surah Ar-Rahman:

    One of the most important benefits of Surah Rahman is that it rejuvenates “Ima’an” and is super beneficial for spiritual healing. Besides, Surah Rahman is a blessing from Allah (S.W.T) for healing not just spiritually but also physical ailments. Lets discuss in detail the benefits and wazaif of the beautiful Surah Rahman for solving our problems.

    • Wazifa for Hajaat (needs/requirements/ lawful desires):

    Regular recitations of Surah Rahman will fulfill all Hajaat. It can be recited at any time during the day, but appropriate time for its recitation is after Fajar Salah (morning prayers) or after Isha Salah (night prayers). Do recite Durood Sharif before and after recitation of Surah Rahman. Once finished, sincerely asked in dua from Allah (S.W.T) all your hajaats. InShaAllah, Allah (S.W.T) is the all hearer and seeing and will fulfill all lawful desires and requirements.

    Another wazifa of Surah Rahman is to recite it 7 times with attentiveness, clarity, and calmness, its blessings will resolve all our issues, our health problems, can meet our requirements, and fill our life with joy and happiness. Because, Allah (S.W.T) is all abled and powerful to do what he wants, and if he wants happiness for his servants no power in the world can stop the Supreme King of the universe from what he wants.

    • Wazifa for illness (Cancer/Blood Pressure, etc.)

    For a bedridden patient, it is recommended that another person should regularly recite Surah Rahman at his bedside or its recitation in a beautiful voice played for the patient to listen. It will cure their disease or mitigate the pain and sufferings. It is recommended to listen to the recitation of the Surah Rahman three times a day. Each time after listening to the beautiful Surah Rahman, make everyone should make dua for quick recovery of the patient. Allah (S.W.T) is the ultimate healer of the body & soul.

    • Wazifa for halal Rizq (Sustenance)

    Daily recitation of Surah Rahman and Surah Yaseen after Fajr Salah (morning prayers) is a sure way to increase Rizq. Also recite Durood Sharif before and after the recitation of both Surahs. When you are done with the wazifa sincerely ask in dua for help and halal rizq from Allah (S.W.T). This wazifa must be performed with utmost sincerity, humbleness and trust in Allah (S.W.T).

    •  Wazifa for marriage:

    Surah Rahman is a powerful Surah of the Quran for the purpose of marriage. It is recommended to recite Surah Rahman 11 times for marry with the love of your life. Moreover, it can be recited to increase love and affection between husband and wife. Besides, it is also recommended to recite Surah Ikhlas 51 times for barakah and blessings in your wedding.

    • For protection against enemy, evil eye, and magic:

    It is our firm belief that the every single word of our merciful Lord Allah (S.W.T) in the Quran is a protection for a believing Muslim. Whether it is fear of any enemy, or fear of evil eyes, fear of any calamity, the Holy Quran will protect its reader not only in this world but also in the hereafter. Surah Ar-Rahman is super beneficial and a sure way to protect our self from evil eyes, magic, or enemies. Therefore, we need to make it a habbit of regular recitation of Surah Rahman to protect ourself from any harm of any type.

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    The benefits are uncountable; it can bring happiness and barakah in our lives. Allah (S.W.T) will shower his blessings on those who with care and understanding recite this beautiful chapter of the Quran. Many of you life problems will be solved if we make this Surah part of our life. We need to also remember this chapter by heart, as it isn’t a long chapter of the Quran. May Allah (S.W.T) guide us to the righteous path and able us to follow and adhere to the teachings of Quran.