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Five Wazaif and Virtues of Surah Waqi’ah

    The Virtues of Surah Waqi’ah:

    The “Judgment Day” has been given almost 20 names by Allah (S.W.T) in the Quran, due to its significance. Imam al-Qurtubi said: “Anything that is great has many descriptions and names”. Al-Waqi’ah (the occurrence) is one such name of the day of resurrection. That is real, there is no doubt about it, and it will definitely come. Surah Waqi’ah is one such chapter of the Holy Quran, reminding us about the Day of Judgment. It is the 56th Chapter of the Quran. The following are some of the facts about this significant Surah of the Quran:

    Facts about Surah Waqi’ah:

    • Surah Waqi’ah is a Makki Surah.
    • Surah Waqi’ah has 96 verses.
    • Generally, it is recited for an increase in rizq and for prosperity.
    • This chapter talks about the “Companions of the Right” and “Companions of the Left” and the rewards in Paradise for the Companions of the Right as well as the torment that companions of the Left will face.
    • It reminds us that Allah (S.W.T) is in control.
    • It is also a lesson for Human Beings that death is so certain and it should be a reminder for them to be on the right path because there is an end to everything that Allah (S.W.T) has created.

    Since the Quran is guidance for all Human Beings. It provides remedies for all our life problems, and ailments, and helps us attain the love of our Lord almighty Allah (S.W.T). So we need to strictly adhere to the teachings of the Quran. It is important to understand, reflect upon, and search for solutions to our problems in the lessons of the Holy Quran. Surah Waqi’ah is not just a solution to our financial problems as evident from numerous hadiths but also to remember the day of judgment and the rewards and punishments it holds for us.

    As for our financial woes, it is mentioned in the hadith narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masood (rz) that: the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever recites Surah al-Waqiah every night, he will never be afflicted by poverty. And Ibn Masood (rz) used to order his daughters to read it every night.” (Shu’ab al-Iman 4/120, number 2269).

    There are many Wazaifs that are associated with Surah Waqi’ah and they are super beneficial. Some of Surah Waqi’ah benefits and wazaif for various problems are discussed below:

    1. Surah Waqi’ah wazifa for wealth & prosperity:Virtues of 

    It is believed that reciting Surah Waqi’ah three (03) times after Fajr Salah (morning prayers) will increase wealth and bring prosperity. It is recommended to recite Durood Sharif before and after performing this wazifa. At the end, make dua and sincerely ask Allah (S.W.T) for increase in wealth and halal Rizq and Allah (S.W.T) will arrange for halal sustenance and increase in wealth from places where one cannot imagine.

    1. For protection against poverty and hardship:

    To protect oneself from poverty and hardship, it is recommended to recite Surah Waqi’ah eleven (11) times after Ish’a prayers. This wazifa of Surah Waqi’ah is a sure way of protection against poverty and hardship. Don’t forget to recite Durood Sharif before and after every wazifa and also make sincere dua.

    1. For pregnancy and safe delivery:

    Surah Waqia’ah wazifa is very effective for a woman to conceive if it is recited forty one (41) times after Asr salah. Moreover, reciting Surah Waqi’ah seven (07) times after Mahrib Salah (evening prayers) helps a woman in delivering a healthy baby and ease of pain during delivery.

    1. To attain peace and comfort:

    Regular recitation, with attentiveness and concentration on its meanings and the lessons this Chapters has as well as strictly adhering to its message can bring peace, comfort, and prosperity in our lives. Therefore, it is recommended to at least recite this beautiful chapter (Surah Waqi’ah) one time daily.

    1. Surah Waqi’ah Wazifa for protection against evil and harm:

    Surah Waqi’ah is very effective against evil, evil eyes, Shaita’an, and harm. It can be recited a number of times for protection. For example, it can be recited one time after Isha prayers, or one time after Fajr prayers. Besides, it can be recited seven times before going to bed for safety during the night in sleep. Do remember to make dua after recitation. With the barakah of Surah Waqi’ah, Allah (S.W.T) will surely protect us against any harm and unforeseen catastrophes.

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    Moreover, it is recommended to do the following regularly and strictly adhere to it for protection:

    • Read the Quran regularly (with understanding).
    • Pray five times a day (with humbleness).
    • Give charity (without showing off).
    • Fast during Ramadan.
    • Make dua regularly.
    • Be kind to others with your words and actions.
    • Avoid sins (major & minor).
    1. Surah Waqi’ah Wazifa for hajat:

    Human Beings are born with needs, requirements & desires. Some of these requirements are hard to meet. Some desires are difficult to fulfill. Allah (S.W.T) knows the requirements and needs of his servants. He wants us to ask from Him and Him only. Through our prayers and righteous deeds we can convey our requirements which the Lord Almighty fulfills. Surah Waqiah is very powerful chapter of the Holy Quran in this regard. Surah Waqiah wazifa for hajat (requirements) works wonder. This wazifa is to be performed in one sitting and recite Surah Waqiah forty one (41) times. If this wazifa is performed with attentiveness and sincerity and with firm belief that with the help of this wazifa Allah (S.W.T) will surely help achieve our lawful requirements/needs.

    As far as the timing of performing this wazifa is concerned, it can be performed either after Fajr Prayers or Isha Prayers. Moreover, it is preferred if the wazifa is performed by men in a Mosque, whereas women can perform this wazifa at home.

    Moreover, it is highly recommended to start and end this wazifa with Durood Sharif. After you are done with this wazifa recite the following:

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    Astaghfirullah al-Azim wa atubu ilayh.

    I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Most Great, and I repent to Him.

    These were some wazaif of the powerful Surah Waqia’ah that we mentioned. We must strictly follow its routine, time, and number of times it needs to be recited. Allah (S.W.T) will fulfill all our permissible and halal desires. Do remember to make dua with clear conscience and intention. Allah (S.W.T) is the most Merciful and Compassionate who doesn’t burden his servants beyond their ability. He, the Almighty, for sure will help us in these testing times of financial instability throughout the world and inflations.


    Our words, our knowledge, and our research are very limited to writing about the benefits of Surah Waqiah, the above-mentioned is just a drop from an ocean, that’s how significant Surah Waqi’ah is. Besides, the problems that we would face in the hereafter, on the day of Judgment, in our graves will be far superior to the problems of this temporary abode. Therefore, our focus must be on being successful in the hereafter; this is the final lesson of this Chapter as well as the Complete Quran. We not only have to make sincere efforts for success, and work hard to earn a livelihood during these testing times but also make dua so that Allah (S.W.T) increases and bestows his blessings in our rizq as well as grant us success on the Day of Judgment and pardon us in our graves. A’ameen.