Duas From Quran

Wazaif of the Last 3 Verses of Surah Hashr

The virtues and importance of Surah Hashr:

Allah the Exalted highlights the importance and the high status of the Qur’an in this Chapter with the following verse:

Surah Hashr

Allah (S.W.T) calls upon his servants, that if the mountain, which is huge in size, and hard in its surface, if it was able to comprehend the message of the Quran, it will feel humbled, and crumbled to dust out of fear and awe of Allah the Exalted. Such comparisons are made so that us humans can understand our purpose in this world. Even though, we understand His message, but still keep astray from the right path.

One hadith states that: “someone made a minbar for the Prophet Muhammad (Peace & blessings be upon him). Before that, the Prophet used to stand next to a tree trunk in the Masjid to deliver speeches. So, when the Minbar was made and placed in the Masjid, the Prophet came to deliver a speech and passed the tree trunk, headed towards the Minbar, the tree trunk started weeping, just like an infant. The tree trunk missed hearing the remembrance of Allah and the revelation that was being recited next to it”.



Some facts about Surah Hashr:

  • The word “Hashr” means “gathering”.
  • Surah Hashr is the 59th Chapter of Qur’an.
  • Surah Hashr consists of 24 verses (ayahs).
  • Surah Hashr was revealed after the Battle of the Trench (Ghazwa Khundaq) in Madina.
  • This chapter tells us about the expulsion of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir from the city of Madina.
  • Message of this chapter is that Allah is the controller of the affairs, who will gather us all on the Day of Judgment.

Benefits & wazaifs of the 

  1. Last 3 verses of Surah Hashr for forgiveness of sins:

The Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings of Allah the Exalted be upon him) said that: “whoever recites the last three (03) verses of Surah Hashr, his past and future sins will be forgiven”. (Tirmidhi)

Therefore, it is recommended by scholars to recite the last 3 verses of Surah Hashr every night before sleep.

  1. For stubborn child:

To treat a stubborn child with his/her unruly behavior, who refuses to eat, or whose parents are fed-up with their tantrums then recite the last 3 verses of Surah Hashr and blow over the child and drink water for the child to drink. Inshallah, Allah (S.W.T) will remove his/her stubbornness.

  1. Protection against poverty:

Saying of the Prophet Muhammad is: “whoever recites the last three verses of Surah Hashr after every obligatory prayer, Allah the Exalted will protect him from Poverty”. (Ibn Majah)   

  1. Cure for headache:

Qur’an is a cure for all ailments. The Ayat-e-Shifa from Qur’an can regularly be recited for recovery from physical ailments as well as diseases of the heart and soul. The last three verses of Surah Hashr are also called “Ayat e Shifa” therefore, it can be recited and blown over the head to recover from a headache.

See also  Ayat e Shifa (verse of healing) From the Holy Quran

Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “If someone suffers from a headache, let him recite the last three verses of Surah Hashr and blow on the affected area. Inshallah, he will be cured.” (Tabarani)

  1. Increase in knowledge:

To increase knowledge of Islam as well as knowledge of the present age, it is recommended to write a complete Surah Hashr on a piece of paper and then wash it with clean water and then drink the water. Allah will increase knowledge to benefit from it.


  1. To remove the difficulty:

Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is that: “whoever recites the last 3 ayahs of Surah Hashr, when faced with any difficulty, Allah, the Exalted will remove that from him”. (Tabarani)

  1. Prayers of the Angels:

Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessings be upon him) says that: “Whoever recites the last three verses of Surah Hashr before going to bed, Allah will send seventy thousand angels to pray for him until morning.” (Tirmidhi)

  1. Ism-e-Azam in the last three verses of Surah Hashr:

The last three verses of Surah Hashr contain the beautiful names of Allah, the Exalted. These are also Ism-e-Azam. The following are those beautiful names with its meanings:

  • Ar-Rahman. (Most gracious/compassionate).
  • Ar-Raheem. (Most merciful).
  • Al-Malik. (The King / the Sovereign).
  • Al-Qudoos. (The most Holy One)
  • As-Salam. (The giver of peace/the source of peace)
  • Al-Mumin. (The giver of security & tranquility)
  • Al-Muhaiminu. (The guardian/The overseer)
  • Al-Azizu. (The Al-Mighty)
  • Al-Jabbar. (The irresistible).
  • Al-Mutakabir. (The supreme)
  • Al-Khaliq. (The Creator)
  • Al-Bari. (The Inventor)
  • Al-Mussawir. (The Fashioner)
  • Al-Hakim. (The Wise)
See also  Surah Rahman Facts, it's Spiritual and Healing Benefits

The last three verses of Surah Hashr have its own benefits, but remembering Allah (S.W.T) through dhikr of the above names is also recommended.

The 3 verses are short, easy to memorize and beautiful to recite and should be recited regularly but it is very important to understand the purpose and the message of this Chapter generally and the whole Qur’an especially and adhere to the commandments of Allah (S.W.T). Then our duas, prayers, needs & requirements will be met. Allah will provide from those avenues which won’t be in our imagination. Then He will protect us in circumstances where we won’t have any hope to survive. Because, Allah is controller of affairs, He is the one who brings joy and sorrows in our lives, and from Him we ask forgiveness and implore Him to fill our lives with joy and protect us from sorrows, in this world and in the hereafter, A’ameen.

Last 3 verses of Surah Hashr with translation:

Surah Hashr

Surah Hashr