La Illaha Illalahu is a short yet comprehensive declaration and the foundation of Ima’an which has often been called ‘Ism-e-Azam’ (the greatest Name) by renowned scholars. Because the glory of Allah is in this Kalima. This is the kalima in which one declares that Allah is my God and negates and denounces anything besides him. People call this the Zikr of Nafi Asbaat.

The Infinite Wisdom Within “La ilaha illallah”
In his book “Gifts for the Seeker,” Imam Abdallah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad explains that “La ilaha illallah” signifies the knowledge known as “the science of Unification” [Ilm Al-Tawhid]. He describes this knowledge as a vast and boundless sea, whose shore is unreachable and whose depths are immeasurable. The theologians (Mutakallimun) have skimmed over its vast surface, while the realizing Gnostics have plunged into its depths and attained to some of its previous innumerable subtleties, gems, and wonderful and strange things. Following their prolonged and profound search, and having exhausted their energies and abilities they unanimously confessed their inability to reach its limit or perceive its end. This was because in order to fully apprehend the science of Unification, one has to fully apprehend Essence and Attributes of the Unified – and He is immeasurably too high for that.
Allah (S.W.T) writes the Kalima on the throne of heaven, and it holds immense significance and power, being very dear to Him. This is because every Prophet of Allah has preached this Kalima. Ahadith have explained the importance of the Kalima Tauheed, leading to its declaration as the greatest name. We are going to share the importance of La Illaha Illalahu in the light of various Sahih Hadith, as well as share different wazaifs of La Illaha Illalah and will also discuss the benefits of La Illaha Illalahu. First, lets have a look at the importance and significance of La Illaha Illalahu in Ahadith.
Significance of La Illaha Illalah in Ahadith:
La Illaha Illalahu the best Dhikr:
Hazrat Jabir narrated that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has said that the “best (Afzal) Dhikar is “La illaha illalahu””
Access to the Divine throne:
Hazrat Abu Huraira narrates that Prophet Muhammad said, “Whenever a person says ‘La Allah Illallahu’ with a pure heart, the doors of the sky (heavens) open for him, and he gains access to Allah’s divine throne, provided he does not commit any major sin (Gunah-e-Kabira).” (Tarmidhi)
Forgiveness of sins:
Abu Huraira narrated that Prophet Muhammad said, “A person who says ‘La ilaha illallah’ with sincere heart will not have even the slightest sin remaining.” Additionally, the Prophet declared, “If you place the weight of the entire universe on one scale and ‘La ilaha illallah’ on another, ‘La ilaha illallah’ will outweigh the entire universe.
La Illaha Illalah reinvigorates Emaan:
There is a narration from Hazrat Abu Huraira that Prophet Muhammad said to Sahaba (companions of the Prophet) to refresh their Ima’an the companions respectfully responded that how we refresh our Ima’an, the Prophet Muhammad responded to perform Dhikr of ‘La Allaha Illallah’ abundantly. (Tabrani)
Key to Jannah (Paradise)
There is a hadith in which Prophet Muhammad said that a person who recites “La Illaha Illalah” 10 times after every prayer attains 20000 good deeds and one who recites it 100 times there will be no obstruction except death in his path Jannah (Paradise), that person will enter Jannah immediately after his death (Anees-ul-Waizeen).
Prerequisite for forgiveness
It is in hadith that the Divine Throne of Allah shakes when a servant of Allah recites with a sincere heart “La Illaha Illalah” then Allah orders the Throne to calm down, and the throne requests “O, Allah, forgive your servant who recited “La Illaha Illalah” so that I can calm down, and Allah responds that I forgave him”. (Anees-ul-Waizeen)
Wazaif and benefits of La Illaha Illalah:
If one desires to be loved by Allah (S.W.T) then regular recitation of La Illaha Illalah is very important. This is the only Dhikr to attain the love of Allah. With sincere Taubah (Repentance) one has to start regular Dhikr of La Illaha Illalah. The following are few wazaif of La Illaha Illalahu.
Wazifa to fill your heart with noor:
Our hearts, initially filled with divine light at creation, gradually dim with the accumulation of sins and worldly attachments. To rekindle this inner radiance, sincere repentance and a steadfast commitment to righteousness are essential. This spiritual journey involves consistent performance of obligatory prayers and the recitation of “La ilaha illallah” five thousand times after Tahajjud or Fajr prayers, and six thousand times after Isha prayers. This practice is to be maintained throughout the day, even amidst daily routines.
While it is hoped that the heart will illuminate with the divine light and the inscription of “La ilaha illallah” upon it, the journey may be long. It is crucial to persevere in this practice for at least three years, regardless of whether immediate spiritual experiences manifest. The ultimate goal is to attain Allah’s mercy, and this wazifa is the key to unlock that divine grace. Remember, the timing of this mercy is solely in Allah’s hands, but consistent practice is the unwavering path to His benevolence.
Moreover, it is highly recommended to recite, for one who desires to remain on the righteous path, and finds Marifat-e-Illahi then one must recite La Illaha Illalah 250000 times, Inshallah he will find the path, but only when his intention is to please Allah the Almighty.
Wazifa for increase in rizq (Sustenance):
If one faces hardship in earning halal livelihood then it is recommended to recite La Illaha Illalah abundantly after Fajar Salah (morning prayers) and Allah (S.W.T) will provide from where one cannot even imagine.
Relief from distress and calmness of the heart:
La Illaha Illalah acts like a medicine to a restless heart. Regular recitation can calm down the nerves and heart. To perform wazifa for calmness of the heart, one must recite La Illaha Illalah on Saturday either after Fajar Salah or Ish’a Salah 1000 and blow over your heart. Allah with the barakah of La Illaha Illalah will surely bring calmness to your heart.
Reward of Jannah (Paradise)
The who recite performs oblution and recite Kalima Tayyaba 70000 times, he surely will without a doubt enter Jannah.If a person recites the Kalima Tayyab one hundred times after every prayer, God will fill their record with good deeds and forgive them on Judgment Day.
A Cure for diseases and ailments:
Anyone who witness the crescent (new moon) and recite Kalima Tayyab then Allah (S.W.T) the Ash Shafi will keep him safe from all kind of sickness and he will be under protection from any major diseases.Therefore, people highly recommend Kalima Tayyab for Shifa.
Protection from Shaitan (Satan)
If one, in a state of purity, recites the Kalima Tayyab 1000 times after Ish’a Salah (night prayers) before going to bed, then they will place their soul beneath the divine throne and protect it from Satan’s harm.
For protection against tyrants and cruel men:
Reciting it 1,000 times before meeting a cruel or tyrant person protects one from their evil desires and cruelty.Final thoughts about La Illaha Illalah:
Kalima Tayyab is the foundation of Islam, therefore any Muslim reciting it just a times on daily basis with utmost sincerity and with a heart filled with love and awe of the Creator, he will get its benefits, in whatever way Allah (S.W.T) deems fit for him/her.
May Allah (S.W.T) grant us the knowledge to properly comprehend the philosophy behind this beautiful yet short Kalima, i.e. Kalima Tayyab La Illaha Illalahu.