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Surah Yaseen facts and its spiritual and healing benefits

    The Virtues of Surah Ya Sin (Yaseen)

    Al-Hafiz Abu Ya`la recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “The Messenger of Allah said:

    «مَنْ قَرَأَ يس فِي لَيْلَةٍ أَصْبَحَ مَغْفُورًا لَهُ، وَمَنْ قَرَأَ حم الَّتِي يُذْكَرُ فِيهَا الدُّخَانُ أَصْبَحَ مَغْفُورًا لَه»

    (Whoever recites Ya Sin in the night, will wake up forgiven, and whoever recites Ha Mim in which Ad-Dukhan (the Smoke) is mentioned, will wake up forgiven.) Its chain of narration is good (Jayyid) . Ibn Hibban recorded in his Sahih that Jundub bin `Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “The Messenger of Allah said:

    «مَنْ قَرَأَ يس فِي لَيْلَةٍ ابْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ غُفِرَ لَه»

    (Whoever recites Ya Sin in the night, seeking the Face of Allah, will be forgiven.)

    Surah Yaseen known as “the heart of Quran” is an important Chapter.  It is 36th Chapter and consists of 83 verses. The following are more facts about Surah Yaseen:

    Facts about Surah Yaseen:

    • Surah Yaseen was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Makkah before his migration to the city of Madinah.
    • This chapter discusses the oneness of Allah (S.W.T), the resurrection, and the Day of Judgment.
    • It also tells the stories of the previous Prophets like Noah, Hud, Salih and Prophet Lut (Peace be upon them).
    • It emphasizes the importance of Quran as guide for humanity and highlights the consequences of ignoring or rejecting the message of the Quran.

    Being an important chapter of the Quran, it is our firm believe that Surah Yasin has lot of benefits, both spiritual as well as physical. Next we will be discussing wazaif of Surah Yaseen as well as its benefits:

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    Wazaif of Surah Yaseen and its benefits:

    Benefits of reading Surah Yaseen 7 times:-

    Some scholar says that recitation of Surah Yaseen 7 times a day has numerous benefits. Whereas some scholars recommend Surah Yaseen recitation 3 times. Whatever the number is, even its recitation just 1 time daily has many spiritual and physical benefits. Its recitation elevates ones spiritual state and raises barakah in ones life.

    Therefore, we recommend reciting Surah Yaseen at least once daily with utmost sincerity, solely to please our Lord Allah (S.W.T) and to enhance our faith in His oneness.

    Recitation of Surah Yaseen at bedside of a deceased:

    Reciting Surah Yaseen at someone’s death bed eases the pain and sufferings of death. While lowering a deceased into the grave, reciting Surah Yaseen helps ease the questions and answers in the grave. Highly recommend reciting Surah Yaseen at the time of death or after the passing of our near and dear ones. It will ease their hardships, pain and sufferings.

    Recitation of Surah Yaseen for happiness:

    Happiness and sorrows are from Allah (S.W.T). Although its means can be anything or from anywhere but Allah is the one deciding joy and sorrow for his servants. Seek the One who bestows happiness, as He brings joy to His subjects through His provisions and blessings. There is no better way to become happy but to make our Lord happy first. That can happen only if we ask only from him through our righteous deeds, duas, wazaif and recitation of the Holy Quran. Surah Yaseen is one really important Chapter of the Quran that Allah (S.W.T) himself loves to listen to when a believer Muslim is reciting it. In return, the fulfillment of all his wishes brings happiness and joy into his life, with contentment and satisfaction, whether he possesses little or more.

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    For the protection of Iman (Faith)

    To protect one’s faith, recite Surah Yaseen 41 times.

    Protection against evil eyes, Jinns and Shaitan:

    Regular recitation of Surah Yaseen protects one from all kind of evils of Jinn and Inss (Human). It recitation is very effective against evil eyes as well as against deception of Shaitan (Satan).

    Daily recitation:

    Daily recitation of Surah Yaseen is very effective to fullfil all hajats and requirements. Here is the prescribed Special Wazifa of Surah Yaseen for any hajaat:

    3, 5, or 7 men can jointly perform this Wazifa of Surah Yaseen after morning prayers (Fajar Salah) and recite Durood Sharif 100 times and then recite Surah Yaseen 72 times. Thereafter, with utmost sincerity make dua for your Hajaats (requirements), Inshallah Ta’alah very soon all your Hajaat will be met.

    Forgiveness of sins:

    Regular recitation can lead to the forgiveness of sins and mistakes.

    Remembrance by heart:

    It is very beneficial for a believer to learn Surah Yaseen by heart. It isn’t a difficult task for a willing heart. Surah Yaseen has 83 verses. If one tries to remember 5 verses with 30 minutes recitation daily then the whole Surah can be remembered by heart in 10 days time. It remembrance by heart have many benefits that one can have. May Allah (S.W.T) give us the courage and motivation to daily recite this beautiful chapter of the Holy Quran and also expands our hearts to remember it. A’ameen.