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Surah Dukhan: Meaning, Benefits, and Wazaif

    The virtues and importance of Surah Dukhan:

    Surah Dukhan, the word Dukhan means “The Smoke” is the 44th Chapter of the Holy Qur’an. Surah Dukhan is considered a very powerful Chapter of the Holy Qur’an and has a lot of benefits. Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever recites Ha-Meem (Surah) al-Dukhan on the night before Friday or on Friday, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise”. This chapter starts by telling us that the Holy Qur’an was revealed on the blessed night of Laylatul Qadr. Just like all the other books were revealed to the Prophets in the blessed month of Ramadan.  It also clearly distinguishes between what is beneficial and harmful for humanity. The following are some facts about Surah Dukhan:

    Facts about Surah Dukhan:

    • Surah Dukhan is the 44th Chapter of Qur’an.
    • Surah Dukhan consists of 59 verses.
    • Surah Dukhan was revealed in Makkah.
    • The word Dukhan means “Smoke”.
    • This Chapter tells the story of Prophet Mosses and the Bani Israel.
    • This Chapter also mentions the Night of Qadr.
    • This Chapter is considered very powerful for protection against evil.

    Recitation of Surah Dukhan has many benefits. Surah Dukhan wazifa can solve many problems. It is specially recommended for protection against evil, shaitan, etc. Next, we are going to discuss some wazaif of Surah Dukhan.

    Benefits & wazaif:

    1. Forgiveness of sins: Prophet Muhamad (May peace and blessings of Allah the Exalted be upon him) said that: “Whoever recites Surah Dukhan at night, will be forgiven of his past sins”. (Tirmidhi). It is highly recommended to recite Surah Dukhan and Surah Mulk. Allah (S.W.T) will not only forgive our sins but also protects us from the torment of the grave. Therefore, both these chapters may be recited at least one time at night, or after Ish’a prayers (night prayers).
    2. Surah Dukhan for protection: Surah Dukhan is a very powerful chapter for protection against evil eyes, shaitan, and jin as well as against calamities. Surah Dukhan is very effective for the protection of kids, therefore, it may be recited and blown over kids for their protection.
    3. Increase of wealth & sustenance: Surah Dukhan is also effective for increasing halal wealth and sustenance. Regular recitation with sincerity and understanding will have its benefits in a very short time.
    4. Enlightenment of the heart: Regular recitation of Surah Dukhan enlightens the heart and leads to spiritual guidance.
    See also  8 Duas for Protection from Evil and Harm

    The main lesson here is to regularly recite Surah Dukhan to avail of its many benefits that are not listed here. Not just Surah Dukhan but there are lessons for us in the Quran, to learn, to follow, and to teach to others, to our kids to get many rewards and lead our life according to the teachings of the Quran. Moreover, the Quran will enlighten our lives, bless our lives, and bring Nur and barakah into our lives. Therefore, we must strive to learn it, understand it, and diligently follow it in our daily lives and our dealings. This is the only way out of miseries, and ultimate success in this life and the hereafter. May Allah SWT be pleased with our tinniest of deeds. A’ameen.