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Proper Guidelines for performing wazifa

    Allah (S.W.T) is the ultimate helper. He is the Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim, he knows the problems of his servants. He wants them to pray and remember him at times of hardship so that he is relieved of his problems. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W has taught during his life certain duas for problems. In order for any wazifa or dua to work in your favor and solve your problems, one must follow certain guidelines. These guidelines/conditions are necessary for wazaifs to effectively work. It is mandatory to adhere to the following guidelines for any Wazifa to work:

    1. The first and foremost condition for any wazifa is to earn Halal rizq and abstain from Haram earnings. His sustenance must be from halal earnings, his dress must be from halal earnings. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, that a body fed with haram will not enter Jannah.
    2. One must be regular and punctual in performing daily 5 prayers as 5 daily prayers remove sins. Daily prayers are also a form of dua and will help in the effectiveness of wazaifs.
    3. Cleanliness is half of the faith, remember that without cleanliness of the body, of the clothes, and of the place of worship wazifa will not work.
    4. One must try to be in wudu (ablution) and when performing wazifa he must face the Qibla (Kaaba) and keep in mind his purpose for performing wazifa.
    5. Before and after wazifa one must recite durood and salam abundantly.
    6. One must also abstain from lying. In his affairs, he/she should adhere to the truth and never lie to anyone.
    7. Wazifa must be performed at a specific time. If it is meant to be performed after Fajr prayers then Fajr is the appropriate time to reap its rewards.
    8. While performing wazifa, the place of sitting must be clean, and no one must interrupt while performing wazifa.
    9. It is not permissible to indulge in haram (non-permissible/forbidden) activities, loose talks, or harm humans or animals.
    10. One must live a simple, good life, help others, do charities, be helpful to elders, and kind to children.
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