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Home » Powerful Wazifa to Solve all Your Problems – (part – 1)

Powerful Wazifa to Solve all Your Problems – (part – 1)

    1. At times, we face problems in our lives. The problem can relate to anything, it can be financial, it can be health related. If unattended, these problems can make us depress, and take the joy out of our life. These problems are from Allah (S.W.T) to test our perseverance, patience, and Imaan. With all these problems, sufferings, and calamities, Allah (S.W.T) also teaches his servants how to ward off, divert or solve these problems. The solution to all our problems lies in Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings be upon him) as well as Dua & Adhka’ar the beloved Prophet has taught us.
      One simple action that can solve most of our problems is repentance. Repentance (Tauba) for our sins (known or unknown) can ease our problems. So the essence of solving our problems is through constantly repenting for our sins and seek forgiveness. There are a number of Hadith narrated in this regard. One such narration is “By Allah! I seek forgiveness from Allah and repent to Him more than seventy times a day.”(Bukhari)

    Wazifa to Solve all Problems

    Since it has been emphasized by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to seek forgiveness for our sins. Therefore recite the following Astaghfaar at least a hundred (100) times daily.

    Wazifa for Problems

    If one cannot recite the above Astaghfar in one sitting, then he/she can divide its recitation into 5, i.e. recite 20 times each after every fardh (obligatory prayers) Salah. This way one can recite it hundred times.

    But if one has the ability to recite more than hundred times, he/she can recite it abundantly, the ultimate goal is to please our Lord the Almighty, so that he can pardon our sins, and ease our problems.

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    Allah (S.W.T) becomes happy when his servant begs for pardon, and he definitely can watch us, listen to us, and he observes our actions and accordingly deals with his servants as per their actions. Therefore, we must constantly seek forgiveness for known and unknown sins.

    May Allah, the Almighty forgive our sins and ease our problems. Aa’meen