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Home » Five Powerful wazaif to solve any problem – (part – II)

Five Powerful wazaif to solve any problem – (part – II)

    We already have an article titled ‘Powerful Wazaif to Solve All Your Problems.’ Here, we will share five authentic wazaif that can solve any problem one faces in life. As mentioned in Part – I, Allah (S.W.T) will solve most of our problems if we turn towards Him and sincerely seek forgiveness. Through Astaghfar and constant repentance, our miseries can be solved. The following are the five powerfull wazaif to solve any problem:

    1st Wazifa for problems:

    wazaif for all your Problems

    la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin

    This amazing Dua was constantly recited by Prophet Yunus (May Allah be pleased with him) when he was in the belly of a whale. This short dua can do wonders when recited during calamities or while facing any problem.

    It is highly recommended to recite DUA(Dua e Younus). The best time to recite is after Fajar Salah for atleast 100 times. After you are finished with reciting 100 times make a sincere Dua and ask anything from Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala, and he will grant whatever is being asked.  This is a highly recommended wazifa by authentic books of renowned Sufi and Auliya.

    2nd wazifa for problems:

    Another powerful dua / wazifa to solve any problems is:

    Wazifa for all your Problems

    And there shouldn’t be any doubt that Allah (S.W.T) is the best disposer of affairs. It is recommended to recite this beautiful verse of the Holy Quran at least 100 times a day. It is also recommended to recite after Fajar Salah. Moreover, it can also be recited during any time of the day especially when faced with any unpleasant situation or problem.

    See also  Proper Guidelines for performing wazifa

    3rd wazifa for problems:

    Another simple and easy wazifa to solve any problem is to recite Tasmia Bismillah”. It is recommended to recite Durood Sharif 11 times before and after reciting Bismillah 121 times.  It is better to recite this wazifa after Fajar Salah or Isha. Otherwise, it can be performed at any time of the day. After each time the wazifa is performed, make a sincere Dua so that Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala solves our problems.

    Wazifa for all your Problems 3

    4th Wazifa for problems

    For safety from sudden afflictions and overall protection of oneself, family, home, and business, this recommended wazifa is highly effective. Recite it 3 times in the morning and evening.

    Wazifa for all your Problems 4

    5th Wazifa for problems

    The Messenger of Allah (S.W.T) Prophet Muhammad may Allah be pleased with him said “Whoever increases his prayers for forgiveness, Allah will grant him relief from every worry, a way out from every hardship, and provide for him in ways he does not expect”.

    Therefore, it is highly recommended to constantly do Astaghfar and ask for forgiveness. For this purpose, perform ablution (wudu) and offer two rakat Salat Tauba. Thereafter, recite Durood Sharif 3 times followed by the following Astaghfar 100 times and then Durood Sharif 3 times, and in the end offer Dua and sincere tauba. Allah Almighty will forgive our sins and solve our problems inshAllah.

    Powerful wazaif to solve any problem


    These five powerful wazaif hold the key to solve any problem, emphasizing the primary focus on convincing our Lord Almighty and pleasing Him. This approach not only eases our affairs but also resolves our issues. Fulfilling and gaining acceptance for our wazaif and duas from Allah Subhana Wat’Alla come with conditions. One crucial condition is to completely abstain from sins, consistently seek forgiveness, and diligently perform fardh (obligatory) prayers on time. Adhering to these conditions not only transforms our current life into a paradise but ensures that the hereafter is adorned with joy and relief.

    See also  Wazaif of the Last 3 Verses of Surah Hashr

    May Allah be with us in all our affairs and help us in trials and tribulations, A’ameen.