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Fasting (Roza/Saum)

laylat ul qadr

Laylatul Qadr: Significance & Best Ways to Worship

    Laylat al-Qadr: This is the night that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) receives his first revelation of the Holy Quran. That such significance is emphasized by the Quran is shown unmistakably when it says “s such as this (the Night of Al-Qadr), for deed, it is better; than a thousand months.” (Surah: Al-Qadr: 97:3).


    Preparation for the holy month of Ramadan – an Ultimate Guide

      Ramadan Karim is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar. It is the holiest month in Islam. Muslims all over the world observe fasting (abstain from food, drinks and sex) from dawn to sunset. Ramadan was made fardh (obligatory).