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Home » Benefits and wazaif of Surah Taghabun

Benefits and wazaif of Surah Taghabun

    Surah At-Taghabun consists of 18 Ayahs (verses) and was revealed in Madinah. Some commentators say that half of this Surah was revealed in Makkah whereas the rest of it was revealed in Madina but majority of the commentators regards Surah At-Taghabun as Madni Surah. The main theme and purpose of Surah Taghabun is obedience (to Allah), invitation to the righteous path as well as adhering to good morals.

    Surah At-Taghabun is a very powerful chapter of the Holy Quran, especially to guard against any calamities. Besides, this chapter has many spiritual benefits for the believing Muslim. From Here onwards, first we will discuss some benefits of Surah Taghabun and then Wazaif of Surah Taghabun.

    “Whoever recites Surah Taghabun every day, Allah will protect him from the oppression of the ruler and from sudden death.” (Al-Bayhaqi)

    Benefits of Surah Taghabun:

    1. Surah Taghabun promises about the rewards of paradise for those who perform good deeds.
    2. Surah Taghabun emphasizes about seeking guidance from Allah the Almighty and strictly adhering to his commandments and living our life according to his will.
    3. Surah Taghabun also protects from tyranny and injustice of a tyrant ruler.
    4. It is a strong belief of th Auliya and renowned scholars that regular recitation of Surah Taghabun protects from sudden death or calamity.
    5. Regular recitation of Surah Taghabun is beneficial for spiritual upliftment, good tidings and blessings from Allah.
    6. For inner peace, tranquility, and a strong sense of purpose Surah Taghabun is very beneficial.

    Wazaif of Surah Taghabun:

    Wazifa for increase in wealth:

    For increase in halal rizq and wealth, it is recommended to recite Surah Taghabun 3 times daily.

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    Surah Taghabun wazifa for a long life:

    For a long, happy, and full of blessing life, it is recommended to recite Surah Taghabun daily at least once, either after morning (Fajr) Prayers or Night (Isha) Prayers. With the blessings of Allah the reciter will be in Allah’s protection and will get a long and healthy life. Keep this in mind that consistency is the key. If you are consistent in doing this wazifa you will see a good change in your life very soon.

    “Whoever recites Surah Taghabun every day, Allah will grant him a long life and a good life.” (Al-Tabarani)

    Wazifa for happiness and well being:

    For general happiness, wellness, and quality life regular and daily recitation of Surah Taghabun is recommended.  Over time, you will notice a good change in your life.

    Wazifa for protection:

    Everyone desires to be in protection of Allah (S.W.T) and there is no better way to be in His protection than reciting Surah Taghabun and be safe from sudden death, calamities or any sort of loss. So it may be recited daily twice, once after Fajr Prayers, and second time after Isha Prayers or before bed.


    Remember from past articles? Specific Quran chapters have various benefits, but the full Quran, recite regularly with meaning and contemplation, holds true power. Follow the guidelines and commandments Allah (SWT) conveys through the Quran. It’s our main goal to please Allah (SWT) with good deeds and daily Quran recitation. This path leads to problem-solving and protection from calamities.

    Moreover, Surah Taghabun is a very short and easy chapter of the Holy Quran. Therefore, it is recommended to memorize Surah Taghabun by heart. This way, it will be a lot easier to recite Surah Taghabun whenever someone wants to whether sitting, driving, walking or lying in bed before sleep.

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