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Home » Ayat e Shifa (verse of healing) From the Holy Quran

Ayat e Shifa (verse of healing) From the Holy Quran

    Saying of the companion of Prophet Muhammad (May peace and blessing be upon him) Imam Hazrat Ali (May Allah, the Exalted be pleased with him) is that surely from amongst the trials is poverty, and worse than that is sickness, and worse than that is sickness of the heart”.

    Good health is a gift and a blessing form Allah, the Exalted. Not just physical health is necessary for human to function properly but also spiritual health as well as a healthy heart. Disease can strike not just the body but may also harm the spiritual health of the heart.

    In Quran, at various places there is the word “Shifa” means “healing, cure, and recovery” is mentioned. There are a group of verses which are very beneficial for various kinds of physical as well as spiritual ailments, wherein the word Shifa is mentioned. Therefore, these verses (ayahs) are called “Ayat-e-Shifa” and they are a great medicine for all ailments and a good nutrition for the soul.

    Allow me to narrate a story of Hazrat Abu Al Qasim Qashiri, his son got severely ill, and he had no hope of his recovery. One day he saw Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in his dream telling him that why don’t you ask for Allah’s help through Ayat e Shifa from the Quran so that your son can heal quickly. He then searched for Ayat e Shifa in the Quran and recited those verses and asks in dua from Allah (S.W.T) for his son’s recovery. His prayers were accepted and his son fully recovered.

    See also  Five Wazaif and Virtues of Surah Waqi’ah

    In this article, we will be sharing Ayat e Shifa from the Quran, which are highly recommended by renowned scholars and Awlias of the religion as well as Sufis. Most of the verses shared below are recommended by Hazrat Allama Alam Faqri in his book Ism-e-Azam”. Therefore, we need to memorize these verses to get maximum benefit from it.

    If someone is severely ill, he needs to recite these Ayat e Shifa with sincerity. If the patient isn’t able to recite these verses then his family and friends can recite for him and make dua for his recovery.

    Follow the guidelines for performing this zikr of Ayat e Shifa. These verses after recitation can be blown over the patient, over water for drinking, or over Sugar. Moreover, the patient also needs to follow doctor’s advice as well as continue performing the Dhikr of Ayat e Shifa. Allah (S.W.T) is the healer of the hearts and souls and may Allah (S.W.T) heal all those suffering from illness and incurable diseases. A’ameen.

    Ayat e Shifa

    (Wa nunazzilu minal-Qur’ani maa huwa shifaa’un wa-raHmatun lil-mu’mineen)

    And we reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers.
    Suratul Israa (No. 17), Aayat 82

    The above verse of Surah Israa is Ayat e Shifa, and is very beneficial during pregnancy and delivery of a health child. 

    Ayat e Shifa

    Verse – 69 from Surah An-Nahl is another Ayat e Shifa. It is recommended to be recited regularly by the patient himself or through family and friends for quick recovery.

    Ayat e Shifa 2

    Verse 14 of Surah Taubah is Ayat e Shifa and very beneficial during illness. Don’t forget to sincerely ask good health in dua.

    See also  Surah Al-Ikhlas: Unveiling Spiritual Significance and Healing Virtues

    Ayat E Shifa3

    The above 57th verse of Surah Younas.

    ayat e Shifa 4

    Verse 80 of Surah Shua’raa is Ayat. This was also dua of Prophet Ibrahim (R.A).

    ayat e Shifa 5

    26th verse of Surah Fatah is Ayat e Shifa as well as Ayat e Shakina.

    Ayat e Shifa 6

    Ayat E Shifa 7

    The last 3 verses of Surah Hashr are Ayat e Shifa. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) recommended the recitation these verses. These verses are not only for health but also for protection against harm. These three verses of Surah Hashr has “Ism-e-Azam” therefore regular and abundant dhikr of these verses is highly recommended.


    Besides the above verses, the Holy Quran as a whole is Shifa “cure” for mankind. Whether the ailments are physical or spiritual, Quran has its cure. Therefore, we need to make it a habit to regularly recite the Holy Quran and regularly recite the above Ayats for those who are ill and pray for their good health and recovery.

    Moreover, besides these Ayats, there are certain duas of the Prophet  Muhammad (may Allah, the Exalted be pleased with him) for various ailments which we also need to memorize. May Allah, the Exalted give good health and cure the illness of all Muslim brothers & sisters. A’ameen.